
What is community music?

Det skal vi dykke inn i mandag 22. januar. 10-14 på USF Sardinen. Vil du være med?

Dialogue seminar – Monday, January 22.

10.00-14.00 (incl. lunch)

Sardinen USF

Free entry

If you want to participate please send us an e-mail at post(at)vestnorskjazzsenter.no.

Community Music (CM) is well established both in practical and theoretical terms in the UK, whilst in Norway, neither the expression nor it contents are very familiar – yet. We know CM is about using music as a social tool to improve people’s lives, but the commoners don’t know much more, as how this is/could be organised, who are/could be in charge, education etc. Maybe we already “do” CM, but use different terms. Hopefully this seminar will contribute in enlightening us.

As the UK rewarded community musician Matt Robinson from More Music Morecambe planned a visit to Bergen in January, we found this a splendid opportunity to try and learn more about this field.

The seminar also includes a research perspective on the topic, as there actually is a lot going on – both in the UK and in our own region. Researchers and students from the University of Bergen/Grieg Academy/Music Therapy (GAMUT), the University of Stavanger, as well as Høgskolen på Vestlandet (Bergen University College) will attend and present news from on-going studies.

We are really looking forward to learn more about CM, and to have fruitful discussions on possibilities and how CM-philosophy and practice could be used to improve people’s lives, as well as being a new and interesting working path for musicians.



Welcome, introductions and presentations
Matt Robinson, More Music Morecombe: Community Music – inspiring change


Wenche Bruun Lien, Jonas Romme (assistant professors) and bachelor students from Bergen University College: On-going studies on CM


Kari Holdhus (associate professor), Bergen University Collage: The DiSko-project

11:20-11:30 11:30-12:00

Jill Halstead (professor) and Viggo Krüger (associate professor), GAMUT/Univ. of Bergen: On CM Therapy.




Open discussions

Fra forsiden


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