Europe Jazz Network

Vestnorsk jazzsenter er medlem i Europe Jazz Network

Europe Jazz Network (EJN) is a Europe-wide association of producers, presenters and supporting organisations who specialise in creative music, contemporary jazz and improvised music created from a distinctly European perspective.

The membership includes 73 organisations (Festivals, clubs and concert venues, independent promoters, national organisations) in 23 European countries.

EJN exists to support the identity and diversity of jazz in Europe and broaden awareness of this vital area of music as a cultural and educational force.

EJN’s mission is to encourage, promote and support the development of the creative improvised musics of the European scene and to create opportunities for artists, organisers and audiences from the different countries to meet and communicate.
EJN believes that creative music contributes to social and emotional growth and economic prosperity. It is an invaluable channel for the process of inter-cultural dialogue, communication and collaboration. And music is a positive force for harmony and understanding between people from the diversity of cultures inherent in the European family.

Les meir på heimesida til EJN.

Fra forsiden


Stamveg 2026: Benedicte Maurseth

25.-29. mars (2026) skal Benedicte Maurseth på Vestlands-turné med sitt neste album "Mirra". Ho har med seg Morten Qvenild (tangenter), Mats Eilertsen (bass) og Håkon Stene (slagverk). Ta kontakt ved interesse.


Stamveg 2026: Jassa Brass (workshop)

I uke 5 (2026) arrangerer vi en workshop-turné som vi har kalt Jassa Brass. Opplegget er inspirert av Brass Bross og hvordan de i en årrekke har arbeidet med å få korpsungdom til å spille uten noter, lære på øret og til å inspirere og engasjere.